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White File Folders


It's what we love, plain and simple

We can help you apply to the CQC for a new practice set up or to move a practice location.  This can be for Registered Provider and Registered Manager.  This usually takes 2 days to complete.


Option One 

We can come and audit your compliance to give you a personalised gap analysis for your team to work through and implement.

Usually one day - £1,200


Option Two

The most popular option. We can come and overhaul your current system, putting into place the key elements of compliance:

Fundamental Standards of Safe, Caring, Responsive, Effective, Well Led

Health and Safety file,

Infection control file 


Legionella review, Radiation file review, HR file review.

All the compliance will be held on Dropbox and remains yours regardless of ongoing support.  The whole team will have access to the full catalogue of CPD on this platform at no charge.

I will then come back every 3-4 months to maintain your compliance for you.

Usually 2 initial days at £1,200 per day - no VAT or travel


Option Three

Mock CQC inspection to give you an idea of where you are at with compliance and give you feedback in the form of a gap analysis to work though with your team. Usually one day

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